Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It seems I update in exponential time!

Unfortunately, time has been eluding me lately, and this has been reflected in my posting habits. Your forgiveness, please.

With assignment 1 and our first test behind me, I've come to realize that I am gaining a lot of useful knowledge from this course. I couldn't count how many times in the past I've ignored "If and only if" or "Necessary/Sufficient" while learning math. I always preferred rushing through/skimming over/completely ignoring proofs and derivations to start solving concrete, algebraic problems while remaining oblivious to the arcane subtleties which were being presented to me.

However, it seems this knowledge comes with a price; will this course send my GPA to the land of wind and ghosts?

In every other course I've taken, when I have the feeling that I am learning a lot, it is usually accompanied by 4.0 caliber marks. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, as I haven't even seen the marks for assignment 1 or test 1 yet, but I just have this bad feeling. For example, I am not confident at all about question 5 from assignment 1. I mean, I tried my best, and I think I expressed it fairly well in symbols, but when I looked at the sample solution, I was all like, "WTF, did we even cover this stuff in class?

< Emo>Does anyone else feel this way? Am I alone?< /Emo>

Of course, my brave samurai spirit is not shaken, and I am boldly awaiting more material on Proofs.(They seem to be a little easier anyway ^^)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Witty/Creative title here

Well, I managed to get exercise 1 submitted on time, and I feel pretty confident about my answers. It was definitely more challenging than I had anticipated. I don't know about the rest of you (perhaps I'm just flying on mu-opioids), but I actually found it kind of interesting to apply some of the things we've been learning in class. However, in the interest of remaining neutral, I'll add my first gripe: As a student in the night class, I wish we had learned about Vacuous Truth, etc. earlier, because those concepts were very useful for completing the exercise. I do realize that it is hard to co-ordinate exercises well with this type of lecture schedule though.

The first question from exercise 1 was the most interesting to me because it dealt with Python directly. It piqued my interest about what sorts of other programming-related things we can do using the concepts we will learn in this course. I'd really like it if we could discuss applications in lecture!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

+1 to Style

Hello everyone!

Let me first begin this post by apologizing profusely for subjecting you to the initial version of my blog. I am sure you'll agree that its style was an affront to our collective senses! That is why I am very pleased to be presenting you with the new, more elegant-gothic version of my SLOG.

Please enjoy, and check back frequently, as I can rarely remain contented with any design for long (and I have some ideas for an interactive paper-folding...thing which you definitely won't want to miss out on!)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The initial post of many to come!

Hello, my distinguished friend, and welcome to my SLOG. This is where I will chronicle my experiences in CSC165 over the winter term of 2010. I humbly invite you to become an active participant in the evolution of this SLOG, however, I must also implore you to employ great courtesy and civility during the posting of any comments!